My nephews Von & Travor-yes, they are twins.
Mom with Hayden & Rowan-the two cutest boys ever!
Mom & Rowan @ Robin's Baby Shower
Molly & Rowan @ Brielle's Baby Shower
My sister Irene & Lou
Hayden loves Rowan
My sister Heather, Billy, & Rowan (I just love his smile)

We went to Louisiana last weekend to visit our nephews Von & Travor and their dad, Kent. The kids were sick, so that left just one thing to do. Eat. Kent spoiled us with brisket, chicken, a crawfish boil, pork & gravy, etc. It was a lot of fun, I just wish my kids were feeling better. They are still getting over whatever bug they had. Two weeks ago, a bunch of us went out on the boat and had a blast. I've never seen Hayden have so much fun. He had no fear when it came to jumping off of the boat into the cold water or playing on the "beach". I can't wait to take him again. However, this time I'll wait until it is a little warmer. It's probably no coincidence that he ended up with strep throat a week later. It was my fault-I'm a bad mom.