Thursday, November 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby!
Happy 32nd Birthday, Kevin! We love you! If I knew where my camera was, I would have posted a picture of you blowing out your candles yesterday after my family sang you happy birthday. I would have taken a picture of your clean plate after eating the Rudy's BBQ my parents brought. I would have taken a picture of all of the people at our house that came to celebrate your birthday because they love you. I would have taken a picture of the 2 adorable boys that you are doing such a good job of raising as they ate your birthday cake and ice cream. I would have taken a picture of Rowan as he found a piece of cake on the floor and had smeared it all over himself after he had already taken a bath to wash off the first piece of cake he devoured. I would have taken a picture of your wife who cherishes you as she gave you 32 spankings. And one to grow on. Oh wait, that didn't happen. Yet...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf
"I HATE EVERYTHING!!" is one of Hayden's most common phrases. What he is really trying to say is that he is afraid of everything. And, he is. Whether it's brushing his teeth, going on the potty chair, going to the movies, Chuck E Cheese, wearing a Halloween costume, going inside of a store that he's seen Halloween decorations in before, getting pictures taken, getting his hair or fingernails cut, going to the doctor's office or dentist, going to nursery, or especially monsters and sock puppets, Hayden is very afraid of everything. I've never met anybody with more fears or anxieties before than my sweet boy. I think there are 3 main causes to Hayden's anxiety: 1) Genetics-anxiety runs in the family. 2) Hayden is too dang smart-he remembers EVERYTHING, he constantly thinks about things, analyzes things, and he makes up the rules, and 3) Age-he's only 3 years old. I'm hoping that as he grows older, he'll become braver. I've thought that perhaps getting him in Karate lessons might help. After all, when I was growing up with 3 older brothers, they were constantly telling me that I should be afraid of them, because they knew Karate. With all of the confidence in the world, I would tell them in return that I wasn't afraid of them, because I knew ballet. And I did. We've had a lot of troubles potty-training Hayden, mainly due to his anxiety and the fact that he has been backed up since January. He's been through a lot of trauma to get his movements flowing (tmi, I know, sorry). Anyhow, he's finally getting good at peeing outside in the grass. He'll leave a trail of his clothes behind and run into the yard to water the grass. He says he's helping it grow. He's helped the bushes near Jungle Java and Lakeline Mall grow, too, FYI. The other day I noticed an ant bite on Hayden, and I asked him if he kicked the ant in the bum, and he told me that ants don't have any bums. He said he'd water that ant, though. And, he will. Hayden hates (is afraid of) everything, that it just makes me that much prouder of him when he accomplishes the smallest of tasks. From wearing a skull on his shirt to go trick-or-treating, to watering our lawn (and public lawns), to just stepping foot inside church, to only biting the dentist once, to only throwing up on the hair stylist once, to only saying hate about ten times a day, I am soooo proud of him. I love him so much, and sometimes when he is in the throws of his anxiety and screaming and crying so bad that I think he's going to pass out, the only thing I can do is hug him, rock him, kiss him, and tell him everything is going to be alright. And it will be. Because Mama knows ballet.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Rowie Olympics
We are the Champions, my friends... (my dad above (Paddle-ball), and Jill below (Ring-toss))

My sister Heidi & Rowan
My sister Alora and Rowan
My sister Heather & Billy
My brother Chad & Molly
Kevin's mom & dad
My mom and dad
Birthday Boy in his Birthday Suit
For Rowan's Birthday party, I decided to have it olympic-themed (he's turning 1, the Olympics were this year, etc.). We ate Chinese food (Beijing Olympics), and I had make the most delicious cake with chocolate, cream-cheese frosting. I'm addicted to them. We had torch trophies and engraved metals (Rowan's 1st Birthday), made-up national anthems for the different teams (Ice Ice Baby, and Can't Touch This, to name a few), we did the Olympic parade, and we had Yo-Yoing, Volley-Ball, Ring-Toss, Paddle-ball, and Swimming as some of the events. Nathan, Ella, Hayden, & Rowan were the only kids there by age, but the rest of us were kids by heart. Every first birthday party should end with a sink bath after eating some birthday cake. This party was no exception (objects in picture are larger than they appear). Rowan was spoiled rotten by everybody. Apparently, I'm not the only one who is completely in love with him...
Rowan's 1st Birthday (November 1st, 2008)
I can't believe it, but my baby is one! Time flies when you're madly in love. Rowan was big from the start-10 lb. 10 oz, and he is about 30 lb., 32 in. currently. I remember when he was born (I never even pushed, and I didn't feel a thing-the nurse had to lean me backwards to keep Rowan from being born), my sister Heidi and my mom were in the room (and Kevin, of course-but he was sort of near-fainting on the couch). I waited to hear him cry, but the room was silent, and then my doctor was asking for the NICU nurses. I couldn't see what was going on (being leaned back and all), but Heidi said not to worry that everything was fine (thanks, Heidi). Chaos ensued as people rushed in the room, it felt like an eternity, but he finally let out a small cry. It sounded like he was trying really hard to let everyone know he was OK, but he couldn't get much sound out. It's a year later, and he's still the same way. He's my lover. He loves to be happy, and he rarely cries. He laughs, smiles, and giggles every chance he gets. He adores Hayden, and he has always loved to nurse, and eat, in general. He started crawling at 6 months, going on the potty chair at 8, walking at 10, and he can say a few words, Gargoyle of which is his favorite. He still hasn't mastered Mama, but he is definitely a Mama's boy. He can say it when he needs to, though. He is the best-natured child I have ever met, and I can't wait to see how he spreads his love as he grows older. When he's not sitting in the fridge, you can find him blowing farts on Hayden, taking dirt out of the plants, playing with cars or dinosaurs, taking food out of the trash, trying to sit on balls, laughing whenever he hears anyone else laughing, playing in the sandbox, saying dadadada while pointing to Kevin, or dancing to music. But rarely, will you hear him cry. Thank goodness for Rowan. Rowan, we love you!!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Trick or Treating 2008
Right before Halloween, we went to Chuys to celebrate Courtney & Molly's birthdays. Hayden loved playing with Nathan. Courtney & Molly are my brother's hot girlfriends. The boys just adore both of them, and with any luck we'll be officially related someday. The night before Halloween, the boys went trunk or treating and invited Nathan & Ella to join. Nathan was Spiderman and he loved playing with the other super heroes. On Halloween night, we started off the fun by going to Nathan & Ella's house. Their mom, Brielle, made delicious Chili, and her mom Jill made yummy Zucchini bread. After filling our bellies, we went trick or treating in their neighborhood. Hayden was a little shy at first, but Nathan held his hand when he got too scared. He was only too scared to go to a few doorsteps. Rowan even went trick or treating on his first Halloween ever. The boys weren't up for wearing their Peter Pan and Captain Hook costumes, so they just wore their Pirate shirts. Hayden was pretending he had a parrot on his shoulder and a fake leg by the end of the night. My parents, Jill & Andy, & Molly & Chad joined us. Hayden is finally liking the idea of Halloween, but unfortunately, it's over. Till next year...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Chaos & Costumes
Chad threw a Halloween Party/Sweet 16 Twenty Years Later party for Molly. Since she turned 16 in the 80s, we had to dress with an 80s theme. There were some great costumes there. Kevin and I went as Al & Peggy Bundy. Can you guess the rest? Before the party, my parents went as Dorothy and Scarecrow to the Dial's Halloween party at their Barn. Here are a few pics from that, too. Happy birthday, Molly & Courtney! We love you!
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