Seriously, Rowan is so much fun to watch play soccer. Even though he is probably one of the youngest on his team (3-4 yr olds), he is definitely one of the heaviest (60 lbs). He also thinks he's the real Spiderman every time he's on the field. He's one of the slowest runners, so he just hangs back and throws spider webs on everybody. My favorite time, was when he was wearing his spidey sunglasses and just stood on the field and slowly webbed the whole entire audience watching him play. He slowly moved his spidey webs in a half circle back and forth, until everyone was webbed. If a player gets too close to him, he'll touch his webs to their body, too. Back off, players! Soccer Star Spiderman is in town!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Weekly Photos of Nadia with Fozzy (weeks 31-34)
Nadia turned 8 months old on the 10th of May. She started to crawl at the end of the month. She still doesn't like to eat much baby food, but I think she's anxious to eat real food. Her tear duct stopped being clogged and constantly gooey at the end of the month, too. She got a double ear infection and has been on antibiotics. She is still in 9 months clothes and a size 3 diaper. She weighs roughly 19 pounds. She sleeps from around 10-7, and nurses a few times each night. She has yet to drink baby formula (Rowan never did), and I'm hoping she doesn't have to. My goal is to nurse her for a year. The only time it is a challenge is when I have to fly to Nashville and OKC once every three months. Every single time I've flown with breast milk, the airport security has handled it differently, too. I swear, I expect them to either taste it next time or ask for me to express some for them. Luckily, yesterday the security officer just winked at me ;) Nadia is super cute, and she loves to smile and laugh. She can stick out her tongue if you ask her to, too, and that ALWAYS cracks me up. It never gets old to me. Rowan seems to get a little jealous of her at times and will hit her or push her over. I have to keep reminding him that she is a real baby, even though she just looks like a princess baby doll. Nadia enjoys Hayden, and Hayden is really sweet and good to her. Nadia prefers to be held, too. She takes about 2 hour-long naps during the day, which are nice. She loves to put EVERYTHING in her mouth, so you have to constantly watch her and constantly clean and sweep. She will take a binky, occasionally, when you are trying to get her to sleep. We just love our princess, Nadia!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Chad & Molly's Easter Party
OK, so I had over 200 photos to choose from, and I picked probably 51 for this post. Sorry for the picture overload. Anyhow, we had a great time at Chad & Molly's Easter Party. The kids had a jumpy house, swimming pool, lemonade stand, sugar cookies, easter egg hunt, candy, etc. Adults had hamburgers, deviled eggs, hacky sacks, football, easter egg hunt, Siberian Orchestra tickets-for the winner, babies in baskets, big hats, candy, and lemonade. Good times! Thanks Auntie M & Uncle Chad!
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