Nadia turned two!! We mainly call her Na-Na, nowadays (like that song, "Can't Get You Outta My Head.") We didn't throw any party this year, because of my sisters' weddings. Instead, we asked Nadia where she wanted to eat for dinner, and she said "Mr. Gatti's." We ate pizza and then played a bit. We went over to my parent's house for cake and ice cream. Nadia got a potty chair, barbie, some cool clothes, a baking set, baby dolls, and other cool gifts for her bday. Nadia is getting smarter and smarter, everyday. She is talking much better, since she got her tonsils out, too. She can count to ten, tell you what things start with the letters of the alphabet, and LOVES barney. She has the sweetest little voice and cutest run. She will hang out with her brothers and do what they do. She is the best cleaner in our house and is always the first to put her toys away. She loves to push her stroller around, with or without a baby in it. She loves her pink dinosaur and taking baths. She loves to ride the merry-go-round at the mall. She's not a huge eater, and I'm surprised any time she eats more than a few bites of something. She can down ten slim jims in a row, though. She still loves a bottle and prefers to drink milk. It's hard to get her to use her sippy cup and drink water or juice. She sleeps pretty good at night. She loves her grandparents and loves to visit with them. She pulls out anything you put in her hair, and her hair is always in her face and dirty. She tries to be independent, most of the time. She loves to pull around her puppies. This week, she has been playing in the slip-in-slide with the boys. I love the way she says the names of everyone she knows. She puts things in purses and carries them around the house. She rides a Lightning McQueen ride-on around the house. She still doesn't have a bedroom set up for herself and mainly lives in my bedroom. She weighs only thirty pounds and wears about a 7.5 in shoes and a 2t or 3t. She loves to listen to music in the car and gets mad if you turn down the volume. We sure love our little Nadia!!! We always call her our princess or angel from heaven above, and that is the truth!