Here are some photos from our recent photo shoot at Portrait Innovations. They are also Rowan's 1 year pics, although they are a few months late. I try to get family pics twice a year, once around Rowan's birthday in the winter, and once around Hayden's birthday in the summer. We wear white shirts and blue jeans in the summer and dress up a little in the winter. Hayden did really well this time and was very cooperative. We were very proud of him. Rowan was a little distracted, but we were still able to get some really cute photos of him. They even took a couple photo of Kevin and myself. It wasn't my idea, but I thought it turned out pretty cute. I'm surprised Kevin posed for it, but I guess I'm rubbing off on him.
Your boys are so cute! im amaized that Rowan sat still and smiled so well!
Your hair is looking AWESOME by the way!
I love the last family picture!
You are beautiful and all the boys are so handsome!
Your family is adorable!!! Beautiful pictures
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