Turner Tantrums

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weekly Photos of Nadia with Fozzy (Weeks 22-25)

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25

I can't believe that Nadia is already 6 months old! She is gradually transitioning to 6-9 month clothes. It's nice to have a child who fits in the right size. She is getting better at sitting up, but still can't do it unattended or without falling. Her hair is crazy-lots of long hair on top and short hair underneath. I generally pull it up in a rubber band. She likes rice cereal with fruit and bananas, but it is hard to get her to eat anything at all, really. She still nurses a few times each night, but generally isn't up for long periods of time. She likes to do a scream laugh, like me, where she kind of just screams. She will giggle, too, some. She probably weighs 17.4 pounds or so. She had a high fever this month that both of the boys had, but other than that, she's been pretty healthy. We sure do love her to pieces!

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