Turner Tantrums

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nadia's Tonsillectomy

I hate these socks and gown!!  Thankfully, she fell asleep right before her surgery-I think they call that twilight sedation...

Watching Max & Ruby, eating popsicles, and drinking juice.

Nadia had her tonsils removed near the end of July.  Her sleep apnea was soooo bad, that the doctor's wanted to remove them, even though she wasn't even two years old, yet.  She would snore soooo loud, every single time she was asleep, and it typically took about 4-5 tries before she got air in her lungs.  Kevin filmed her "sleeping" and showed it to her doctor who decided they needed to be removed, ASAP.  She was not happy about wearing the sleeping gown in the hospital or socks, before her surgery.  After her surgery, I stayed the day and night with her in the surgery center.  She still snored whenever she fell asleep and her O2 levels would drop below 90 (towards 70s) and the nurses made me hold a tube with oxygen blowing on her face, but that didn't even work.  Thankfully, the doctor explained to the nurses that Nadia actually does have sleep apnea (they throw the term around, loosely) and that even though her O2 levels were low, she was probably getting more oxygen than she was used to, before she had her tonsils removed.  It's been at least a month from her surgery, and Nadia is doing great!  She sleeps soundly, and she evens seems to be learning faster, now (saying more words, etc.).  She was a champ at taking the pain meds and handled the recovery period much better than her older brothers.  I hope she doesn't get sick as often and can rest easier, now.  I also hope she doesn't go through a huge growth spurt like Rowan did.  This was Nadia's 3rd time in surgery, as she already had surgery for ear tubes, and then another surgery for another set of tubes and to remove her adenoids.  We sure love our little Nadia!

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