Turner Tantrums

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crawfish Boil

My brother Chad with the Crawfish cake my mom made for his Party!!

A must have at a Crawfish Boil-my brother Aaron, a hand-washing machine model...

My husband gets hotter every... single... day....

Nathan & Tony

Brielle & Ella

Let's Eat!

My sister Heidi & Jordy

My sisters Alora & Irene

My sisters Heather & Alora, & Billy

My brother Adam and his girlfriend Ally that we were finally able to meet.

My lovely parents (forgive my mother's sunglasses, please).

My sister Irene & Lou

What are those?

My very own mud bug.

Now those are some sunglasses!

In April, we had a crawfish boil at my brother Chad's house. My mom made a Crawfish-shaped cake (she's more of an artist than a baker, but the cake was still great!). There were hundreds of pounds of crawfish, Kevin made a few washer sets, the boys liked playing with the live crawfish, my brother's friend brought authentic Tom Yum (delicious Thai soup) with the hottest peppers I've ever tasted, there was a cool hand washer, and what's a party without port-a-potties. I think we ended up calling it The First Annual Crawfish Boil by the end of the night in anticipation for next year...

1 comment:

Dan and Merideth said...

....and all you hartman girls have great hair!

looks like a tun of fun!!