1st-To prepare for wake surfing, it's best to weigh down the back of the boat (some boats do this automatically), and sitting on the very back of the boat doesn't hurt either-and it gives you a great spectator spot.

2nd-this is Kevin in the water, getting ready for Rod to move the boat...

3rd-Kevin keeps hold of the rope until he is up and going...

4th -Once you get going, you can let go of the rope and ride the waves (I've seen Kevin sit down, stand up, turn around, all while riding the waves right behind the boat)...

5th-Eventually, the wave will get away from you, but you can wake surf quite a distance... Billy never made it past step 2, so unfortunately no picture of him, but below are the rest of us that tried)

Heather is a natural-and always smiling!

No Rope!

Rod is great at Water Sports, and other sports, too...

Heather & Billy

Rod & Jennifer

Me & My Hot Date
In April, we went on a "wake date" with the Dials and my sister Heather and her boyfriend, Billy. We went to Lake Austin and wake surfed until the sun went down. Then, we headed to The County Line for some delicious BBQ. Plus, the boat captain gets to eat free when you pull up via a watercraft. I've included some pics of Kevin that show the process of Wake Surfing for anyone who is unfamiliar with the sport. The only thing better than wake surfing, Lake Austin, and Texas BBQ, is getting to spend time with the Dials.
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