Turner Tantrums

Friday, October 3, 2008

Belly Dancing Time

Amber, Irene, & Ella
Molly and her Gang
Heidi, my mom, Alora, and my dad
Chad, Nathan, Hayden, & Rowan

Hayden playing with Nathan
Me and my sister, Heidi
Dan, Brielle (Molly's sister), and Nathan


Auntie M
Molly and her Troup

My dad's favorite act (honestly, he was very good)

A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of going to Molly's belly dancing recital. Not to be biased, but Molly was by far the best one there (well, the Aladdinesque guy was a close second, but my dad wouldn't know-he couldn't keep his eyes on that grown man as he shook his hips). Molly was probably the least experienced, too. They served delicious gyros there, and I can't stop thinking about them. Hayden had a great time cheering on Auntie M with his "boyfriend" Nathan. Rowan had a good time grooving to the music. There were even 2 pregnant belly dancers. Perhaps next time I'm sick with child, I can make others sick with my belly dancing...

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