Turner Tantrums

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Random Pics

The most exciting thing that has happened the last couple of weeks is that it snowed for a brief period of time. Hayden thought it was pretty cool, and poor Rowie missed it. The boys have changed their sleeping schedule to midnight to 9 am. Therefore, mine is now about midnight to 6 am, but somehow I'm the only one who didn't get the recent stomach bug they all have. Right now, my hubby is sick in the bathroom, and my two boys are in bed watching cartoons after I've changed about 20 diapers and bathed vomit off of me and Rowan. I was really looking forward to the boys wearing their cute matching Christmas outfits to church tomorrow, but I guess that's not going to happen. Well, with any luck I'll get the boys to bed before midnight, and I won't end up in the bathroom like Kevin... Good night.

1 comment:

Dan and Merideth said...

Your boys are SO SO SO CUTE!! I love seeing pictures on your blog! keep em coming!