Turner Tantrums

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Utah-Thanksgiving Point/Mt. Timpanogos

We went and toured these lush gardens in Thanksgiving Point with Kevin's Aunt Jolene. The boys took a catnap, and the place was beautiful. We took pics by the waterfall, and these pics don't do the place justice. We then took the boys to this neat petting zoo there. The cow was nibbling on Hayden's shirt, the boys rode ponies, fed chickens, there was a cow being milked, donkeys, horses, goats, ducks, pigs, etc. It was really fun, and I think I loved it more than the boys. The next day, Kevin, Hayden, and I went hiking up Mt. Timpanogos. We then toured the 3 caves at the top. The tour guide was very adamant about not touching the cave, yet nothing touched more cave than the top of Kevin's poor head. We went with 3 of Kevin's cousins (Sher, Angie, Deena) and their kids. I was the last one up the mountain (turns out I had a cold, but still I felt pretty pathetic being beat by 3 year olds). It was gorgeous on the mountain, but it turns out I was pretty scared of falling off the edge. I mean, seriously, if you were dizzy or lightheaded (say with a head cold) one bad step in the wrong direction and you would fall off the mountain. All the way to the ground. Really far. Just a little to the right. Down. Gone. Finished.

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