Turner Tantrums

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rowan's 2nd Birthday 2009

Wow, my sweet, little, baby boy turned two the day after Halloween. He's been big since the beginning (10 lb 10 oz). Rowan weighs about 36 pounds now, and he is off the chart in height, too. For his birthday party, I just did a smorgasbord of things he loves. He loves Super heroes (thanks to Nathan & Hayden), trains, Tow Mater, Mickey Mouse (thanks to our Disney World vaca), coloring, play doh, bubbles, dancing, and just about anything else that Hayden does. Rowan is such a sweet kid, and loves to be treated like a baby (hence his fascination for boobs-some kids have a baby blanket or toy, my kid prefers boobs). He loves chocolate milk, milk, and apple juice, and he'd rather drink than eat. You can often find Rowan eating candy or chocolate when he's gone into hiding. Yesterday, while I was wrapping presents, I went to check on Rowan and found him with both hands on the Gingerbread Train and trying to bite off the green icing (he'd already eaten the rest of the decorations). He proceeded to try and hit me away and call me a stooopid mom, when I insisted he wash up so I could get him some real food. He "don't like real food." That's my boy! Seriously, I can't blame him for trying to nibble something he loves-I mean, I would nibble him, if I could. Wouldn't you?

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