Turner Tantrums

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nadia is One Month Old

Yesterday, on 10-10-10, my baby turned one month old. She's doing great! She still has tons of hair that is super curly when wet and stands on end when dry. It's about 2-3 inches long and dark brown. She sleeps a lot, but will usually sleep at least 6 hours at night, and might be up for about two hours from 4-6. She usually gets out a good cry for at least an hour or two at night. She nurses really well, and it is hard to get her to take a bottle or binky. She likes the old school binkys best, but even then, she will only play with it for a little bit. She fits perfectly into size 0-3 month clothing right now. She even wore newborn size for the first 10 days. Currently, she has blue eyes, but that could change. My boys have been sick all month with either ear infections, colds, coughs, or the latest stomach bug, so it's been hard to keep them from trying to kiss her all day with their germs. I think she looks a lot like her oldest brother, Hayden. She likes to arch her head back and look at everything like he did, too. Plus, she cries a little and wakes up at night a little, like he did (although he cried and was awake much much more). Her eyes are always gooey, and I'm constantly having to wipe them clean. It took about 3 weeks for her umbilical cord to fall off. She enjoys the rocking chair, couldn't care much for the swing. She hates car rides, though, and both of my boys loved them. She weighs about 11.5 pounds right now, so she has gained about 3 pounds in the last month (she dropped to about 8.5 from her birth weight in the first few days). We sure do love her and we're so glad she decided to come join our family.

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