Turner Tantrums

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rowan's Asthma/Allergies/Cough

Poor Rowan has had a rough time the last few months. He's been to the doctor's office more than I can count and takes tons of meds, daily. We took him to the ER at 3am on Wednesday thinking he was having an asthma attack. ER doc thinks he had croup and gave him steroids, the pediatrician thinks his asthma/allergies were flaring up. He's had a horrible cough since about August that hasn't let up. It keeps him up all night long (plus his parents) and gets us tons of stares any time we are out in public while he coughs all of the time. The allergist said he's extremely allergic to mold, his ENT said that since he no longer has adenoids/tonsills and has ear tubes that any infection will hit his lung, he has asthma, etc. We give him 2 types of meds in his inhaler at least twice a day-one preventive/steroid, one for rescue, do saline nose solutions, he has a nose spray, benadryl/zyrtec, vicks baby rub on chest and feet, all daily, plus oral steroids on occasion and constant baths to get the mold off of him. Still, he is up most of the night coughing and never gets any rest. Plus, he's gained tons of weight in the process, has to see a nutritionist, they said the steroids will temporarily stunt his growth, his eyes are always watery, and his face looks really puffy to me. Even with these health issues, he still is mostly happy all of the time and takes his medicine for us really well. He is such a trooper, and I hope he feels better, soon. Love him!

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