Turner Tantrums

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hayden the Bike Rider

Well, Hayden has had a bike for a while, but we (Kevin) recently started working with him on being able to ride it. Plus, it allowed me to try and walk a little with Rowan in the stroller to see if it would help baby Nadia arrive (she was one day late, afterall). In no time, Hayden was able to take off on his bike, and he loves it. I feel like he has grown leaps and bounds recently, and I'm so proud of him. He has adjusted very well to Kindergarten, and now Kevin is able to just drop him off at the hug zone instead of Grandpa having to walk him all of the way to his classroom. Plus, today he decided he wanted to start buying his lunch, so we'll see how that goes. He just started soccer yesterday with the 5 year olds, too. He loves his baby sister Nadia and kisses her goodbye before he leaves in the morning and runs in the house to see her right when he gets home. Unfortunately, he has been a little sick (double ear infection) and Rowan has, too, so they don't get to love on her as much as they'd like to. I sure do love my firstborn, Hayden.

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