Turner Tantrums

Friday, February 11, 2011

Rowan is a Soccer Star!

Rowan's Biggest Fans

Since Rowan turned three, he is officially enrolled on a YMCA soccer team. He is on Team Blasters! He is doing super well. He concentrates really hard during the warm-up (Kevin is co-coach), and he does pretty good during the game, too. He doesn't like all of the other kids kicking the ball, but he is pretty good at scoring goals after others. Once the ball is in the goal, and the kids and parents are cheering, Rowan simply takes the ball out of the goal, brings it back a few feet, and then he kicks it in the goal. Score one for Rowan! Rowan has missed a few games due to being sick with Pneumonia, Asthma, RSV, etc, but he is sure to score many, many, more goals...

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