Turner Tantrums

Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekly Photos of Nadia with Fozzy (Weeks 18-21)

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

I can't believe Nadia is 5 months old! Where has the time gone? She weighed about 15 lb 6 oz (50%) 26 inches long (95+%) and had a head circumference in the 50% at her 4 month checkup (4.5 months, really). She had an ear infection & RSV, so she just got her shots two days ago. Nadia is still doing well. Her hair is still there (even wore pigtails), it is just getting a little thinner. Her eyes are still blue. She is getting happier and happier and taking less and less naps. She still hasn't really eaten anything, since she was sick. I've tried rice cereal a few times, but she wasn't really interested. However, she loves to put everything else in her mouth-especially fingers. She can roll onto her back from her stomach, pretty well. She likes to grab toys with her hands and talks/coos a lot. The other day she kept crying like she was in pain, and it turns out she was crying whenever she saw Kevin in his glasses. I think it scared her, a little. She still reminds everyone of Hayden and acts just like he did. She has discovered her feet, and she'll try to suck on her toes, if you let her. She can't sit up, yet. She is also still wearing mainly 3-6 month clothes, which surprises me. She's my little darling!

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